In attendance
Photo 2021
A conversation with my friend Elena
An analysis of her personal and inner experience.
Exploring the impact of violence in intimate relationships on the awakening of women's consciousness.
The domestic violence between her parents during her childhood had a great impact on her. She experienced naked fights, bad language, blood stains and almost permanent bruises on her body. She realized that male violence robbed women of their voice and violence distorted their choices. Domestic violence is the main cause of the awakening of her female consciousness. She wants to protect her mother and run away with her. This violence continued for her until she graduated from high school and went to college.
In the process of growing up she realized that she had a good impression of men, but then she found that she was resistant to men's bodies, she couldn't get close to men, and she didn't trust men. And she realizes that her innate intimacy and desire for women, influenced by her social consciousness, means that she feels that she shouldn't be with girls, yet she still can't control her desire. She felt the safety and happiness of being with women and accepted her love for women. This is the first awakening in her of feminine desire.
Then, living with her lover, she discovered the violence in the intimacy of relationship. She gradually came to realize that the violence of intimacy, and the emotional and physical damage did not distinguish between man and woman. If you love someone, you also love the other person's body, regardless of gender. She started accepting men gradually and that was the awakening of her feminine self-awareness.
Here, the red thread symbolizes the violence, savagery and bloodshed that is inevitable in the awakening of her female consciousness. The gauze is a state of fugue and chaos that recurs time after time.
Intimate violence has always influenced her perception of herself in intimate relationships, and at the same time she has promoted changes in her feminine consciousness and self-awareness.
From her sharing of her personal experience, I got in touch with her heart, and I started creating.